Reporting Hazards

Report Specialty Harvesting & Hazardous Trees HERE

“TIMBERLANDS Limited has implemented a new online Specialty Harvesting & Hazardous Trees Notification process. This online process is to be used by Timberlands' staff, KT/TL contractors, Worksafe New Zealand, forest users and members of the public, to ensure all Specialty Harvesting and Hazardous Trees can appropriately assigned to a crew for safe remedial work.

Click here to notiify Timberlands Limited of any of the following (but not limited to):

  • Hazardous trees

  • Trees for removal for roading, safety or community purposes

  • Windblow

  • Roadside felling

  • Felling outside of regular harvesting programmes

  • Other

We need and appreciate your support to make this process work.

Please do not send your 'Specialty Harvesting or Hazardous Tree' notifications directly to any TL Operations Manager, either verbally or by email.

Report ALL OTHER HAZARDS OR Unlawful Behaviour Here

Click here to notiify Timberlands Limited of any any issues relating to significant safety or environmental hazards such as (but not limited to):

  • Speeding Vehicles

  • Unsafe Vehicles/Loads

  • Unsafe Environmental Issues: Slips, Washouts, Ponding

  • Unsafe Contractor Behaviours

  • Unsafe Roading

Always drive to the conditions

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