Forest Certification
TIMBERLANDS Limited (FSC-C004143) has committed, and is certified, to the Forest Stewardship Council®
(FSC®) Principals and Criteria which independently verify our forests are well managed.
FSC certificate (SCS-FM/COC-00059P)
TIMBERLANDS Limited FSC Certification Detail & Links to Audit Reports
TIMBERLANDS Limited is also certified to the New Zealand Standard for Sustainable Forest Management (NZS AS 4708:2014), which is endorsed by the Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).
PEFC Certificate (SCS-NZS-002)
TIMBERLANDS Limited Resposible Wood® Forestry Standard Forest Management System Summary Report
Summary Management Plan
A component of our certification is to provide a public summary of our management plan, and to engage with stakeholders who are affected or interested in our activities. As part of our commitment to public engagement we welcome feedback on this plan and our activities. Please refer to the plan below. To provide feedback or obtain further information please feel free to contact us.
Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)
FSC is a global, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide. To obtain FSC certification forest managers must meet, and be independently audited to, the FSC Principles and Criteria, which verifies that the forests are manage in an environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable manner. See FSC International for further information. FSC also has a presence in Australasia through an office in Melbourne, Australia. The Australasian office assists with FSC matters in New Zealand and employs an Auckland based Business Development Consultant. See FSC NZ for further information.
In New Zealand, the FSC Principles and Criteria are expressed through the National Standard for Certification of Plantation Forest Management in New Zealand (FSC-STD-NZL-01-2012 New Zealand Plantations EN). These are the standards that TIMBERLANDS Limited must meet to maintain FSC certification. If you have any questions relating to our certification or believe we are not meeting our FSC commitments, please contact us.
TIMBERLANDS Limited is a member of FSC and actively engages in governance, including the TIMBERLANDS Limited Forest Risk Manager participating in FSC General Assemblies, chairing the NZ FSC Standard Development Group and representing the Northern Economic membership on the FSC Pesticides Policy Working Group.
Responsible Wood NZ Standard: Sustainable Forest Management (NZS AS 4708:2014) / Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)
PEFC is an international non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting sustainable and responsible forest management. See PEFC for further information.