Business Forest Access Permits

Business Forest Access Permits are required for any contractor or worker who has a verified business reason to access TL-managed forests including approved KT or TL Contractors, Third Party & Sub Contractors and TL Business & Community Parties of Interest.

Anyone accessing TL-managed forests for business or work must carry a valid Business Forest Access Permit (with a form of photo ID) and abide by the General Forest Access Rules & Safety Behaviour for Business Permit Holders at all times.

How to Obtain a Business Forest Access Permit

To obtain a Business Forest  Access Permit, applicants are required  to complete the  Business Forest Access Permit Application Form and, if required, a Key Authorisation Form.

Prior to applying for a Business Forest Access Permit, all drivers will be required to complete the 'Business' Forest Access Health & Safety Induction by clicking here and selecting the 'Business' induction.

Applicants are required to provide the following information: 

  • Business Forest Access Health & Safety Induction Certificate Number
  • Drivers Licence
  • Certificate of Insurance* - Requirements as follows:
    • High Risk Category
      (High risk includes TL High Risk contracts, machinery operators, transportation or use of hazardous substances and driving where a HT license is required).
      (i)   Public Liability Cover (minimum $10,000,000) and
      (ii)  Motor Vehicle Third Party and Public Liability Cover (minimum $10,000,000)
    • Low Risk Category
      (i)   Public Liability Cover (minimum $5,000,000) and
      (ii)  Motor Vehicle Third Party and Public Liability Cover (minimum $5,000,000)

*Please Note: A Certificate of Insurance/Currency must be provided with your application. Only a certificate from your insurer (not Broker), showing the company or applicant as the insured, will be accepted as proof of current insurance. Acceptance of insurance documentation is at the discretion of TIMBERLANDS Limited. TIMBERLANDS Limited retains the right to determine whether high or low risk.

Business Forest Access Permits are Issued From:

99 Sala Street
Phone: 07 343 1070

Timberlands' Office is open Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm

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